Tools for Matsubayashi-ryu
O'Sensei Nagamine's books, especially "The Essence of
Okinawan Karate-Do" is the basis for any serious study of
Matsubayashi-ryu (and also important for other Okinawan
karate styles).
Soke Nagamine Takayoshi made a series of three videos about
the history of Matsubayashi-ryu and all the kata, published
by Tsunami Productions. These are also important for
students of Matsubayshi-ryu karate.
If you are unable to obtain the videos, copies of these
and other videos of the Matsubayashi-ryu kata are
published in several locations on the internet. Many of
these are by karateka from outside the WMKA, often with
errors and deviations from the tradition based on O'Sensei
Nagamine's teaching.
However, one cannot learn karate from books and videos, a
qualified teacher is essential. We can only recommend to
contact a teacher certified by the Nagamine family's
organization, the WMKA/EMKA. Unfortunately, there are
teachers claiming to teach the style without ever having
had a qualified teacher themselves.
Find the nearest teacher from the Dojo listing, or
contact us directly for help.